Website builder
Create a website with ease
+3 months free
Find the perfect website builder plan for you
Get your idea online risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
+3 months free
+3 months free
Create a website in 3 easy steps
1. Choose how to build
2. Customize your website
3. Go live
Start selling online faster with AI
Choose a website template that inspires you
Take advantage of 150 responsive, designer-made templates, suitable for businesses, eCommerce stores, portfolios, landing pages, blogs, and more.
Build a website your way
Effortlessly perfect your website with user-friendly, intuitive customization tools.
Simply pick up the content you like, drag it where you want it, and drop into place.
Use smart grid
Keep everything perfectly aligned as you fine-tune your website.
Change colors & fonts
Explore what truly captures the essence of your brand or project.
Customize elements
Rearrange elements to create the website you've always wanted.
Desktop and mobile editing
Create, edit, and publish your website with ease on your chosen device.
Turning my vision into a website using Hostinger Website Builder was a breeze, all thanks to its simplicity and speed.
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